Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I'm in!!!
I only had one interview and was on tenterhooks this whole week. Another friend in Bombay who interviewed with the same person was called yesterday, 2 days before the decision deadline and interviewed on the phone. She didnt tell me since she knew I'd push the panic button.
But news just got in we are both in!
I'm over the moon....Life is good and there is going to be a big celebration tonight ;)
Its been a tense week in the blogosphere with HBS and INSEAD decisions happening all at once but this is the end of my endless wait.
My applicant journey is just about getting over - now its scholarships, loans, banks and dreams of FB :)


asiangal said...

Congratulations! =)

Juggler said...


Inblue said...

Congratulations !

Dee said...

thanks a lot guys

rungee582 said...

Congrats... that's awesome

Iday said...

Many Many congratulations :)

The Caspian said...

Congratulations! What campus?

A said...

My heartiest congratulations to you :-)

JatWarrior said...


MBA babe said...


The Caspian said...

Dee - congrats! See you at Fonty :)

zanat0s said...

hey u will find this VERY USEFUL! the best INSEAD blog