Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pre MBA plan

If all things go according to plan (apps, interviews, admits etc etc) then I should be facing the gates of my choosen college by September'07. So the optimist in me has decided to draw up a list of goals to be achieved by then (i love to-do lists)

#1 Lose Weight- i know, i know not a very intellectual aim and all but I think most of humanity makes the same resolution every midnight of the new year. And proceeds to guzzle down a few thousand calories just to show how commited thy are to the plan. But seriously I'm not going to college looking like a beached whale or any other bovine animal of your choice. I'm losing min 15 pounds. There its been said (not in stone but here is good enough)
#2 Taxes - pay my taxs and be up to date on all that personal finance shit. See like the rest of the wannabe MBA crowd I havent been too good with the planning and saving so this is a big challange. I have to order all my bank statements, drop them off at a decent CA and expect him to do some magic, thats all. Not too much to ask

#3 SAVE - I've been saying this to myself for so long that I need to make it all caps. Maybe some subliminal message might help correct some majorly deviant behaviour. But honestly student life is making me very scared- so much to do but no fun if the pockets are empty right? I mean how to finance all the cross Europe treks, exchange to USA and random running aroung the world feeling all diverse & global

#4 Do my self styled mini MBA - I have no background in accounts, finance, stats and god knows what else. So my plan is to beef up on some of these if I can so as not to be the only dumbass in a room full of happy bright people

# 5 Read - sort of like the above but generally read up on some good 'ol management guru speak - another step to feel smart. Glad to report I have already got hold of -
The Mckinsey Way
The Mckinsey Mind
Leadership in an Uncertain World and
MBA in Finance

I'm good or wat? Please please add some names to this list so I start school next year somewhat more intelligent.

# 6 Learn Spanish - Nope i dont need the second language really but I thought might as well learn another language . I did two years of Spanish in high school but honestly its now limited to 'Hola amigo' level but I should be able to pick it up. My interest also lies in mandarin but i've decided to make the challenge a little less cruel...come on we have 10 points to cover

# 7 Learn to cook - again to make me ready for poor student life. Unfortunately I've been poor working adult so long I dont know if there will be any difference

# 8 Watch the entire latin american films list at my local DVD store. I'm not going to have any time when I'm a student plus I have to save for the rent

# 9 Buy a New Wardrobe - this is going to be so pleasurable especially once I've lost some of that weight. I can already see myself looking so cool in brand new business sits, slinky shoes, boots and all. The only thing we have to address is that we cant burn a hole in the wallet when its already in need of some serious mending. Plus have to make it practical and warm - its going to be so much more colder where I want to go

# 10 Blog Away. Being a recent blogger I just wnat to continue boring everyone and feeling good about letting my creative juices flow. I'm adding myself to the MBA applicant list soon and I can already dream of graduating to MBA student then Alum and maybe one day the Millionaires Club!

I've put all ths down as the first step to commit myself. In less than 10 months I hope to put a nice big red tick mark on all of them. Who knows, maybe I will manage that for real.


Inblue said...

The McKinsey Way is a fast book ! You won't take long.

Dee said...

thanks, any others you can recommend

Continental Drift said...

I can provide you with books, if you let me know what interests you.

Read The Economist no matter what you do. It's by far the best weekly out there. It doesn't dmb-down and its punchy writing style gets addictive very soon!