Thursday, November 02, 2006

Is 700+ enough?

While preparing for the GMAT, my whole preparation was aimed at crossing the 700 mark - the psychological barrier. But is 700 enough?
A look at all the MBA/GMAT discussion boards and everyone seems to have crossed over to the greener side(i.e. 700+. Looking at all the blogs too, one is filled with the same feeling.

So I have two theories
1)There are today more 700 club members than before.OR
2)People who are more active on the discussion forums are more likely to reach the 700 mark
My vote is with the second theory. So whats the connection you ask? My analysis is that you'd have to be genuinely motivated and committed to look for online resources, discuss and debate the merits of quant vs. verbal and do all this on top of prep time, work and applications. And we all know these take time, a lot of time
So the explanation for so many vocal 700+ applicants is that this is the small percentage of people who are interested in 'learning' therefor they are seeking information. Just the right combination for being in the top 90% I suppose.
All I'm hoping for is that being in the 95%and above group will hopefully also put me into atleast the top 25% of the applicant pool at my college of choice.

I guess the answers will reveal themselves by Interview descision deadlines...untill then fingers are crossed!


prepfortests said...

Interesting thoughts.

Number 1 can be discounted, approximately 5% of test takes get score 700+ and that does not appear to be changing.

Number 2 sounds reasonble but I think it is worth adding a 3rd option.

3) People who score 700+ (95th percentile) are more likely to publicise the fact than people who score lower 530 say (50th percentile).

Best of luck!

Continental Drift said...

A score of 690 puts one in the 91st percentile or top 9% of all test takers.

I suspect that we have some self-selection at work. i.e. as was suggested the 700+ crowd are more likely to publicise the fact.

And the GMAT is not a measure of smarts or how interested one is in learning. It just shows that one is good on the GMAT; nothing more, nothing less.

GMAT Sentence Correction said...

Cracking GMAT with good score is necessary because most of Top B-Schools only consider those students who passed the exam with good score.