Friday, September 07, 2007

Culture Vulture

Had an ineresting french lunch experience, you know the lunches that go on for more than 2 hours and how they leave you feeling so full of new prespectives and insights but a little light on the wallet :)
A group member came up with an interesting Q - whats the culturally most important factor in your country/ what are you guys really hung up about?
So here are a few quickly polled responses -

German - Cars

Australian - Sports

French - Balance & Pleasure - the good life

Indian - Family or marriages

hmmmm, so when its incentive time we know what to offer which culture specific individual? something tells me $$$ would do just fine over all the countries & all the much for diversity, lets talk about the unity!

In more such really breathtaking exciting news - my group made it to the Top 10 in the drunk driving poster competition. Not bad work for half an hour but we suddenly have heavier schedules next week. And if we make it to the Top 3, who knows a dinner with the dean?.... who i happen to think is real cool, maybe I have a thing for authority figures? I dont know but I do recollect a rather long conversation over at a party about men in uniform & dirty dark fantasies....
keep expecting more such snippets from my culturally diverse, socially hectic, strangely manic new life

confession: 700+ gmat does not mean you have a mind that can bend around financial algorithms or even a simple financial calculator...
i'm telling you, you only getthis kind of gup here & as i blow my trumpet ( no puns whatsoever) let me welcome our v new prolific entrant, Yareev!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is excellent stuff! You should share this link at . I love what you said about the Germans!